Adriaan DeVilliers

Candidate: Representative District 71

Adriaan DeVilliers HeadshotQ. Considering the rapid population increase and projected business growth in the greater Manatee County region, what specific policies would you support to increase the talent pipeline in our area?

Manatee County is a high growth area in population and economy. Encourage employers to partner with training providers to hire skilled workers. Employers can partner with national training providers to build local training solutions, and assist with childcare, transportation and tuition fees.  Focus training on infrastructure development in construction, power and internet technologies will make sense.

Q. Infrastructure continues to be a challenge both in terms of existing, aging systems and additional capacity needed for Florida’s significant growth. What are your top infrastructure solutions for our region?

A serious re-evaluation of priorities is needed for Manatee County related to infrastructure priorities and funding. It is clear that political contributions have distorted a clear view of what is needed over many years and impact fees, for example, have been watered down for political gain. This must stop to prioritize infrastructure development over housing development until balance is restored. Infrastructure development will also generate new jobs and economic activity.

Q. In Florida, and especially in our area, water quality is an essential part of our economy and quality of life; what can the Legislature do to continue to address water quality?

Environmental laws and enforcement have been gutted over the past 30 years and particularly under DeSantis. Runoff and discharge laws and standards must be clearly set, monitored and enforced by the State. It is the only path to success.

Q. What do you consider to be the state policy issues impacting our region and how do you plan to legislatively address them?

One of the hottest topics for Manatee County regarding state policies, is the recent attempts by DeSantis to run rough-shod over Home Rule by smaller communities and municipalities. Unknown to 99% of the citizens, they have also written and passed legislation to impose legal fees onto anyone who protests the State’s actions. By writing laws to legalize such takeovers by government, the communities are doomed to therefore be unable to protest. Those recent House and State Bills are undemocratic and must be repealed.


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