Leadership Manatee

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Since 1982, the Leadership Manatee program has exposed current and future leaders to an in-depth look at Manatee County, its challenges, and its opportunities. With more than 1,400 graduates, it’s our area’s premier leadership program.

Class participants fill out an application and a critical factor in acceptance to the program is identifying those individuals who are active in the community and are most likely to use their leadership knowledge and skills for the long-term benefit of our community. It is common for individuals to apply more than once before being selected for a class. Class members are lead through several comprehensive days focusing on a different segment of Manatee County, including:

  • Agriculture
  • Business & Industry
  • Communications & Culture
  • Education
  • Healthcare
  • Land Use & Transportation
  • Law Enforcement
  • Leadership Development
  • Local Government

The program’s purpose is:

  • To identify community leaders of diverse backgrounds
  • To develop their potential and desire to accept civic responsibilities and leadership roles
  • To expose community leaders to the problems and opportunities that face Manatee County
  • To build a realistic understanding of leadership in today’s complex society
  • To open a dialogue among emerging and current community leaders
  • To acquaint leaders with the processes, programs, opportunities and challenges for individual involvement in Manatee County

Once you’ve graduated from Leadership Manatee, stay involved with local class members and with others who have graduated from the program by joining the Leadership Manatee Alumni Association! Annual membership is inexpensive and can help you create an even greater network of professional connections.

2024-2025 Leadership Manatee Application 

Click here to access the scholarship form