Chamber Committees and Task Forces

Your Involvement Matters – Members Make the Mission

We invite and encourage your involvement with Chamber committees and task forces. Committee work greatly contributes to the strength of our organization and ensures that we continue to meet the needs of our local business community. Service on a committee is a fantastic way to expand your network while impacting the success of businesses and the quality of life in Manatee County.

If you are interested in more information regarding any of the involvement opportunities below, click the name of the committee to send an email to the Chamber staff or call us at 941-748-3411.

Better Business Council (BBC) Advisory Committee
Supports the mission of the Better Business Council and offers professional guidance by formally screening applicants requesting BBC membership.

Chamber Board of Directors (elected)
The governance body of the Chamber elected to represent specific geographic areas of the county to ensure community-wide representation. The Board sets the policy and priorities for the Chamber with input from Chamber committees, task forces, members, staff and others.

Chamber Executive Committee (elected)
The Executive Committee serves in a leadership capacity within the Chamber’s Board of Directors. A slate of officers is presented by the Nominating Committee and approved by the Chamber’s Board of Directors as stipulated in our Bylaws.

Chamber Ambassadors
Chamber ambassadors who welcome new members and provide experienced perspectives that help members maximize their investment in the Chamber. Meet your Ambassadors by clicking here.

Downtown Redevelopment Committee
This committee strives to enhance downtown core areas throughout our county through planning and revitalization efforts. Projects such as Realize Bradenton and the Downtown Mobility Study have been supported by the Chamber and this committee has been active with workforce housing and addressing downtown assets appealing to Millennials.

Education & Workforce Partnership Committee
Promotes and supports the enrichment of education through Business and Education partnerships including Project TEACH, The Big Bank Theory, Job Shadow Programs, Industry Tours and the Business & Education Partnership Awards.

Golf Tournament Committee
Join in on the fun and support the Chamber’s annual tournament through planning, volunteering and promoting this popular event.

Healthcare Committee
Works on healthcare priorities including educating members on healthcare issues, supporting medical residency programs, Manatee Healthcare Alliance, online resources and the Champions of Healthcare Awards.

Infill Committee
Encourages infill and redevelopment opportunities within Manatee County’s urban areas. We have been strong advocates for revisions to the County’s Comprehensive Plan and Land Development Code to bring predictability and certainty to redevelopment in the urban core.

Leadership Manatee Board of Governors (appointed)
Oversees the Leadership Manatee programs ensuring that the program continues its reputation as one of the best leadership development programs in our area.

Legislative Committee
Studies, monitors, educates and advocates on behalf of business concerns on critical state and federal issues. The committee develops the Chamber’s annual legislative priorities, meets with legislators, and collaborates on platforms with other organizations. Members often assist Chamber staff with lobbying efforts in Tallahassee and Washington, D.C.

Manatee Chamber Foundation Board of Trustees (appointed)
Oversees the mission and activities of the Chamber Foundation.

MYP Events & Programming Committee
Plans and implements networking and other special events that create opportunities for young professionals to connect and grow their network.

MYP Leadership Committee
Oversees the Manatee Young Professionals program and takes a big-picture approach to determining MYP priorities, programs, and events while advocating on issues to make Manatee County attractive to young professionals.

MYP Marketing & Engagement Committee
Guides messaging about the MYP program to reach young professionals in our region through print and online vehicles to drive membership, event attendance, and participation.

Natural Resources Committee
Investigates and makes recommendations on business regulations and issues affecting our natural resources and land use, including conservation, new technologies, incentive-based approaches and regional solutions. Members work on local and regional public works and water management district topics.

Small Business Council
The Chamber offers a wide variety of programs designed to enhance the profitability of small businesses. The Small Business Council serves in an advisory role on program development, including seminars and the Small Business of the Year Awards.

Technology Committee
To educate Chamber members on new and existing technologies that can help their businesses grow.

Transportation Committee
Studies local needs and facilitates an improved transportation network including regional multi-modal options and advance roadway/transit projects with emphasis on the Manatee/Sarasota area. This committee attracts participation from a wide range of Chamber members including SRQ Airport, Port Manatee, the Tampa Bay Area Regional Transportation Authority and Sarasota-Manatee Metropolitan Planning Organization.

Member Testimonial

“I really enjoy this place we live and these people we share it with. The Chamber and being active on it helps us connect with each other and build relationships that help make our community even better.”

Nathan Carr, Willis Smith Construction