
Good News | Helpful Resources | Shop Local

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We are so grateful for how our community is working together to provide essential supplies, support our frontline workers, and encourage generosity in the face of this challenge. We are #ManateeStrong and will reach recovery together!

  • #ManateeStrong on Facebook – This group is a place to share positive stories about the everyday heroes in our community, highlight businesses or individuals helping out, post updates on much-needed COVID-related resources, and promote any special offers that will help support our business community and employees during this challenging time.
  • Business and Employee Resource Pages – Use this link to find accurate, official information and links. Your Manatee Chamber of Commerce is here to support you, your employees, and our community. As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to evolve, we are committed to providing our members and our community with useful information and business resources.
  • JobFocus.com – Workers who have lost their jobs can find open positions and employers who need additional staff (short- or long-term) can post their jobs. You will also find links to other employment-related resources.
  • RecoverManatee.com – Resources for business and employee assistance, guidelines for re-opening, tools to help your business recover, and (coming soon) strategies for reimagining the way you do business.