Robert “Bob” McCann

Candidate: Manatee County Commission – District 5

Robert McCann HeadshotQ. What will be the top issue impacting businesses in the coming year? What role should the County play in addressing it?

Impact fees are a major problem for businesses in Manatee in the upcoming year. To help with infrastructure improvements and balance the costs of rapid growth, certain fees are levied against developers working on specific projects. While some commissioners say that the amount collected should be increased, others say the developers are getting a sweetheart deal. The County must contribute to maintaining openness, equitable computations, and efficient utilization of impact fees to assist the business community, infrastructure development, and sustainable growth. Also, Manatee County Government can offer incentives to qualified businesses including grants, tax rebates, or other forms of assistance to promote their expansion and development.

Q. Manatee County continues to lack a sufficient supply of affordable, workforce housing to support the local workforce. This impacts businesses in terms of attracting and retaining talent as well as the community’s quality of life. What role should the County play in addressing this issue?

The County can revise zoning regulations to encourage developers to include affordable housing units in new projects or revitalize older buildings. This might involve density bonuses or expedited permitting for affordable housing developments. Collaborate with private developers, nonprofits, and community organizations to create affordable housing projects. The County can provide land or financial incentives. Create a task force comprising stakeholders from various sectors (businesses, nonprofits, government) to develop strategies and monitor progress. By prioritizing affordable housing built near workplaces so employees can walk to work, Manatee County can enhance its workforce, attract businesses, and improve overall quality of life.

Q. Adequate infrastructure is critical to our County’s economic development and quality of life. What are your top two infrastructure priorities and how would you prioritize funding for them?

To guarantee safe and effective mobility, give maintenance of the current roads and bridges top priority. It’s crucial to have regular updates, repairs, and inspections. Upgrade old sewage and water infrastructure. This entails restoring the wetlands’ safeguards while increasing service coverage and enhancing the quality of the water. Impact fees, public-private partnerships, state and federal subsidies, and special allocation of local property taxes or sales taxes for road maintenance, water, and sewer systems are some funding sources. It is essential to take a balanced approach that addresses long-term growth and short-term maintenance. Effective funding must be aided by public participation and cooperation with pertinent parties.

Q. The Manatee Chamber serves as the voice of business. What challenges or opportunities would you like to see greater business involvement in to move our County forward?

Businesses can advocate for infrastructure funding and smart development addressing aging infrastructure that affects transportation, utilities, and connectivity. Businesses can engage in training programs to build a sustainable workforce bridging the skills gap and preparing workers for emerging industries and critical services. Businesses can support housing initiatives and advocate for workforce-friendly policies and invest in affordable housing projects or explore public-private partnerships. Businesses can adopt sustainable practices and advocate for responsible development, balancing growth with environmental conservation. Businesses can mentor entrepreneurs, invest in and promote a culture of creativity, attracting business startups.

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