Starting and Growing Your Business

Important Resources and Information

When preparing to launch your company, it’s important that you follow all the necessary steps to start off in the right direction. Here are a few tips:

Visit the Florida Division of Corporations to complete all of the legal requirements needed to start your business.

Obtain Local Business Tax Information and Government Services by contacting the city in which your business will be located in order to secure the necessary occupational license: Anna Maria, Bradenton, Bradenton Beach, Holmes Beach, Longboat Key, Palmetto. While Manatee County does not require business licenses, there are some licensing requirements for certain types of businesses. Contact Manatee County’s Business Licenses & Permits for more information.

Check Zoning Requirements by contacting the city in which your business is located and / or the Manatee County Planning Department.

Learn About Business Incentives for Qualified Businesses by contacting Manatee County Government.

The success of your business is important to us. The Manasota Chapter of SCORE and the Florida Small Business Development Center (SBDC) are great resources to help you create a business plan, secure financing, receive business counseling and more. To get prepared, here is a checklist of things to consider when starting a business.

Visit the Manatee Chamber’s Preferred Business Directory to find members that offer business financing, loans and capital as well as business consultants and coaches, attorneys, accountants, and commercial realtors.